No one would argue about the validity of the above statement. But how do you go about administering positive reinforcement in the workplace effectively?
But before we go into the how, let’s talk about the why? Why does positive reinforcement matter in the workplace?
According to an article from Gettysburg College, the average person will spend 90,000 hours working over a lifetime. Given this ginormous investment of time, our workplace must be pleasant with opportunities for growth and flexibility for work-life balance. A pleasant workplace will prevent employee burnout and, consequently, employee turnover. It is beneficial to both the employee and the employer. Positive reinforcement is part of the formula for creating a pleasant workplace and should be a common practice in the workplace. Positive reinforcement can be divided into two categories:
Now that we’ve learned the benefits and the different types of positive reinforcement let’s talk about how to administer positive reinforcement effectively. Here are four tips to help you navigate the game of positive reinforcement:
Do not assume your employees know they are appreciated. As the employer or leader in the workplace, it is part of your leadership responsibilities to use positive reinforcement to create a winning work culture and a pleasant work environment. Ready to get started? Call CLS for a positive reinforcement plan that will motivate your team to the next level.